Alzheimer's Patients and The Family That Love Them

A beautiful song by Harry Gardner, he’s singing about his relationship with his precious Nan who battles Alzheimer's and his love for her. This goes out to anyone who's life has been impacted by this terrible disease. We understand, and we're here. Well done Harry!

Not Alone by Harry Gardner

How to Plan the Perfect Picnic

August is National Picnic Month

Polly | September 19, 2012

If you're looking for a fun activity for seniors, a picnic is an easy, low-cost idea for an afternoon outing.

There are few joys as great as planning, and pulling off, the perfect picnic. Although picnics are sometimes thought of as old-fashioned they can actually be the simple, unique, and incredibly fun. Whether you are planning a romantic picnic, a family picnic, or an occasion-based picnic there are a few basic guideline that you should follow. While picnics appear effortless and nonchalant, a great picnic takes a little bit of planning and creativity. However, what a picnic does not require is a lot of money. This is what makes picnics a wonderful experience; you can plan a unique and fun picnic and not have to spend a lot of money doing so. Below are tips on how to plan the perfect picnic.

1. Pick a location

While you may want to start packing your picnic baskets right away one of the first things you should do is pick your picnic location. Depending on the type of picnic different locations could end up making all the difference. For example, a romantic picnic will benefit from choosing a location that holds special meaning to the couple, such as the flower field that they visited on their first date. A family picnic is made even more fun at a favorite park where there is a playground nearby for kids to play in. While an occasion-based picnic, such as a birthday picnic, will benefit from a location with beautiful scenery that is perfect for taking pictures.

2. Gather Your Supplies

If you don’t already own picnic baskets or picnic coolers then you should invest in some to make your picnic truly special. Picnic baskets make it easier to carry food, plates, utensils, and even wine glasses without things breaking or spilling. You can find a large variety of picnic baskets online including baskets that are extra large or that have special holders for wine glasses and come with plates and silverware.

3. Pick Your Food

Once you’ve looked at picnic coolers and found the perfect one for you the next step is to plan the food you are going to bring. Try to keep food simple. You don’t want to bring ice cream or foods that can easily spoil. You also want to steer clear of food that will need to be reheated. Instead pack cheese, fruit, bread, crackers, salad, cold chicken, sweets, and other foods that will be easy to pack and serve. Make a meal plan ahead of time so you aren’t digging in your refrigerator at the last minute for things to pack in your basket.

Planning a picnic is easy as long as you stick to a few guidelines. Once you pick the location, gather your supplies, and come up with a menu ahead of time you will be able to easily plan the perfect picnic that everyone will appreciate.