Glaucoma Awareness for Seniors

 Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, which is responsible for transmitting visual information from the eye to the brain. It is often associated with increased pressure in the eye, known as intraocular pressure (IOP). Glaucoma can affect people of all ages, but it is more commonly diagnosed in older adults.

In the elderly population, glaucoma becomes more prevalent due to the natural aging process and other age-related factors. Here are some key points to consider regarding glaucoma in the elderly:

1. Increased risk: The risk of developing glaucoma generally rises with age. The most common type of glaucoma, called primary open-angle glaucoma, typically occurs after the age of 40. As people live longer, the likelihood of developing glaucoma increases.

2. Asymptomatic progression: Glaucoma often progresses silently and gradually. In its early stages, individuals may not experience noticeable symptoms or vision loss. Regular eye examinations are crucial for early detection and treatment.

3. Vision impairment: If left untreated or uncontrolled, glaucoma can lead to vision loss and permanent damage to the optic nerve. The peripheral vision is typically affected first, which can make daily activities challenging for older adults, such as driving or recognizing obstacles.

4. Comorbidities: The elderly population often has other age-related health conditions, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. These comorbidities can influence glaucoma management and the choice of      treatment options.

5. Treatment challenges: Treating glaucoma in the elderly can be more complex due to factors like medication adherence, physical limitations, and cognitive impairments. It is important for healthcare providers to consider the overall health status and individual circumstances when determining the most appropriate treatment approach.

6. Regular eye exams: Routine eye examinations are vital for early detection and ongoing monitoring of glaucoma in the elderly. These exams often involve measuring IOP, assessing the optic nerve, evaluating visual fields, and sometimes employing imaging techniques to track disease progression.

7. Treatment options: Treatment for glaucoma in the elderly typically involves lowering IOP to prevent further damage to the optic nerve. This can be achieved through various methods, including eye drops, oral medications, laser therapy, and surgical procedures. The choice of treatment depends on factors such as disease severity, overall health, and patient preferences.

It's important for older adults to maintain good eye health and be aware of the risk factors and signs of glaucoma. Regular communication with healthcare professionals, adherence to treatment plans, and proactive management of eye health can help minimize the impact of glaucoma on the elderly population.


How to Care for Your Aging Parents from a Distance

How to Care for Your Aging Parents from a Distance

Being a long-distance caregiver can seem impossible but it can be done. Long distance caregivers are just as important as caregivers that are in the home providing the physical care.  As our family member ages, the caregiving that a family member can offer from a distance is vital. 

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Alzheimer's Patients and The Family That Love Them

A beautiful song by Harry Gardner, he’s singing about his relationship with his precious Nan who battles Alzheimer's and his love for her. This goes out to anyone who's life has been impacted by this terrible disease. We understand, and we're here. Well done Harry!

Not Alone by Harry Gardner

Upcoming Seminars For Seniors and Caregivers

Join us at two upcoming seminars for Seniors and Caregivers of Seniors and the Disabled

(click here to print a flyer)

Both Seminars will be held at:

Mineral Springs Care and Rehabilitation Center
1251 White Mountain Highway
N. Conway, NH

Both Seminars are Free but Registration is reguired. Please call (603) 473-2510 to register

Legal and Financial Planning in Eldercare   May 24, 2012  

6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

This seminar will cover topics such as Legal Issues and Answers, Durable and Medical Power of Attorney, Living Wills, Personal Care Agreements, Health Care Proxy, Financial Issues and Answers, Protection of Assets, Paying for Long Term Care and much more.

We will be joining Deborah Fauver, Elder Law Attorney, and Anthony Cloutier of Cloutier Estate and Financial Strategies to bring you this seminar.

From Hospital to Home   June 28, 2012

        6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Transitions of Care to Regain Your Independence for Successful Aging

This seminar will cover topics such as: Keys to successful rehabilitation, Transitions of Care to reduce rehospitalization, Family Caregiving and Advocacy, Home Safety Issues and Answers, Home Medical And Safety Equipment, Alzheimer's and Dementia, Determining When It It Time for a Nurshing Home, Avoiding Stress and Burnout and more.


Summer Safety for Seniors

Summer has finally arrived here in New England. With summer comes days of high temperatures which can be dangerous to seniors and others who are affected by the heat. So as you enjoy the long lazy days of summer, remember to take precautionary measures to protect those you love from heat related illness. The following is an article from the Red Cross website with tips on helping seniors to beat the heat.

"Summer Safety & Preparedness Guide for Seniors

As our bodies age, skin and fat tissue, the body's insulators, tend to thin. Because of that change, seniors regulate temperature less efficiently, putting them at greater risk than others from heat-related health problems. Signs of dehydration or heat exhaustion are less pronounced in seniors, who:

  • Tend to perspire less than younger people—so their bodies don"t shed heat as easily as they once did.

  • May lose some of their sense of thirst and not feel thirsty until severe dehydration has set in.

  • May take high blood pressure and heart disease medications that remove salt and fluids from the body. These medications, coupled with heat, can cause a senior to become dehydrated—leading to confusion, organ damage and even death.

The following tips can help seniors beat the heat.

  • Slow down. Strenuous activity in extremely hot weather adds strain to the heart. If you must be active, choose the coolest part of the day—usually between 4:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.

  • Take regular breaks when engaging in physical activity on warm days. If you think that you, or someone else, show signs of heat-related illness, stop your activity, find a cool place, drink fluids and apply cool compresses.

  • Stay cool. If you don’t have air conditioning, spend time at an air-conditioned shopping center, senior center, library, movie theater, restaurant or place of worship.

  • Plan outdoor activities in the cooler early morning or evening hours

    • Stay in the shade. A covered porch or under a tree are good choices.

    • Wear a wide-brimmed hat and umbrella to protected yourself from sun overexposure

    • Use U/V skin protection

  • Stay cool in your home. If you must be at home without air conditioning:

    • Stay in the coolest part of the house—usually the lowest floor.

    • Close curtains or shades on sunny windows to keep out heat and light.

    • Use portable and ceiling fans, and/or battery-operated hand-held fans and misters.

    • Install outdoor awnings or sun screens.

    • Use wet washcloths or ice cubes wrapped in a washcloth to pat your wrists, face and back of the neck.

    • Take cool baths or showers.

  • Stay hydrated. Carry water or juice with you and drink continuously even if you do not feel thirsty. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which dehydrate the body.

  • Eat small meals and eat more often. Avoid foods that are high in protein, which increase metabolic heat. Sandwiches, salads, fresh fruit and vegetables are good choices.

  • Avoid using salt tablets unless directed to do so by a physician.

  • Dress for the heat. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing. Light colors will reflect away some of the sun's energy. Wear a hat or use an umbrella as well.

  • Discuss with your doctor how medications and/or chronic conditions may affect your body's ability to manage heat.

  • Take the heat seriously. Rapid heartbeat, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, headache, chest pain, fatigue, clammy skin, mental changes or breathing problems are warning signs that you should seek immediate medical attention.

Frail seniors who live alone should be looked in on often during hot weather by family members, neighbors or friends."
