How can I help my senior loved one enjoy the holidays?

The holidays can be difficult for seniors, but they don’t have to be. Being attentive to the needs of your loved one can make a huge difference in their holidays.

christmas for seniors

Here’s some things which make the holidays hard for     seniors and how you can make a difference in their life.

· LONELINESS:  Find ways for them to spend time with other people. Maybe there is a holiday party or event they can attend. Alternatively, friends or family could come and spend time with them.

· FEELINGS OF BEING A BURDEN: If your loved one is able to you could take them to serve at a soup kitchen or elsewhere. If they are unable to, you could help them wrap a couple gifts for those less fortunate or pack a box of goodies for Samaritan’s Purse.

alzheimers and christmas

· FAILING HEALTH: With failing health comes changes in what your loved one is able to do. Consider their limitations and find holiday things they are able to do. Some ideas include trying a new recipe or creating an ornament.

· LIVING IN A NURSING HOME OR FACILITY: Consider taking your loved one home for the day or going to spend the day with them. If the facility or community where they live is offering any holiday events consider attending them together.

· DEPRESSION: Listen when they need to talk even if it seems to always be negative talk. Sometimes depression stems from painful memories and a change in scenery or a visit can help. Be sure they are included in holiday festivities.